1. You can buy everything from the wealth, you
can trap fairy with wealth, the giant can be closed in the cage, the head of
proud can be bend, Even the bloody can save from the punishment by wealth, If
you have a wealth, you can buy lion's milk too.
2. The wealth is heart, wealth is the mind, the
wealth is life, and the wealth defender is faith. When there is no wealth,
nothing with us, hand to mouth is near narrow craft and Embarrassment on
everywhere, because the wealth is freedom, and poverty is a slave.
3. Without wealth, the man remains not only Tense
In fact, in this Dishonesty, Betrayal, Unfaithfulness, and vulgarity attributes
are created. It is famous that faith is the biggest wealth and wealth is the
biggest faith,
4. Rich people has eaten poor people and the
devil ate the rich man, both are eaten.
5. The wealth which does not have a satisfaction
of heart, the starvation is better thousand time which have peace in heart.
6. The thought of rich people is that poor are
joyful and have gladness in their life is so stupid that the poor believe that
the rich are happy.
7. Tears of wealthy widow get dry very soon, And
the half honeymoon remain alive.
8. The rich man forgets himself and people forget
you when you have no wealth.
9. There is no helpful of man over the world is
only wealth and no one like this loyal and effective because all relationships
can work in their place for a while But the biggest is the money.
10. Wealth made us favorite in the eyes of God,
if we put it in such welfare tasks which are Beneficial for God's creation.
11. Money is the best servant of man and the
worst dominant, the worst is this when you are Borrowers.
12. Wealth comes from hard work, saving remains
constant, increasing with effort and perseverance