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Showing posts with label Happy marriage tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy marriage tips. Show all posts

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Happy marriage tips

Happy marriage tips

1. The purpose of marriage is not to rule over each other's body, but one should be complete to another.

2. Marriage is an ailment we accept ourselves happily.

3. Marriage is a funeral ceremony where the groom smells its own flowers.

4. If something is good for me is so calm that not married.

5. The husband who states his wife news that marriage is a little long.

6. Who are less fortunate husband at least once in her life Day Do not weep and do not envy bachelor.

7. All the suffering and death is the end of the joys of marriage.

8. If men and women got Marriage only when they are fall in love, then many people shall die without marriage.

9. Anyone who looks at the deepest of the marriage results conclusion Marriage is a slave.

10. It is easy to talk many things but difficult to buy, marriage is one of them.
11. The marriage could be successful when husband is deaf and wife is dumb.

12. Marriage is love and love is blind, so marriage is an institution which is set up for the blind.

13. Marriage must, fortunately, if you got a good wife life will be came joyful, and if the wife was not good, you will become a philosopher.

14. Before Marriage I had six ideas about child training and upbringing, now I have six children and the theory is not one.

15. Hearing the news of marriage, the happier would be the married people, due to their joy is only that another has been stuck.