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Monday, February 18, 2019

Women quotes I

Women quotes I

1 .The Makeup of the woman is the mirror of her heart.

2. Woman is made to reduce trouble and grief

3. The eye pleased seeing beautiful woman, but a heart delighted to seeing a good heart woman.

4. Women and alcohol make everybody fool.

5. A woman can only hide a secret and she is the secret of her age.

6. Only one phrase is enough to take revenge from the woman that "you are old."

7. The woman first became a fool of Adam, from today onward, this has come to the fact that the woman always ruled the man and the devil was on the woman.

Saturday, February 16, 2019


1. If you want to enjoy the paradise in the world, there is a way to do it, you should stay at home a week and traveling outside a week. When you come back home from the journey, you will feel your home is paradise.
2. Old men are very dangerous, they don’t care whether the circumstances of the world are better or worse because they are going to leave this world very soon.
3. The best doctors of the world are three good food, silence, and delight

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Lover’s Day

Love’s Day is not fixed
It is not necessary to fixed a day for love, Because love does not require any particular time and Love is not distinct for some time, rather Love is always and will be forever, it’s present in every time, Every moment exists, Because of love The time to exist, and there is nothing without love, If we observe our lives closely we would feel that, our real life is just consists only when we would love someone or anyone love with you, that’s time is unique for our lives, All the rest We forget, but a love moments always passed with someone we remember, its pleasant memories of our life.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

I pray for you

I pray you will be love

Someone should live in your heart

Keep yours only forever

Someone should separate you from it

Let your laughter be sad

Your eyes should full of tear

It's all about you in everything
Only remember that in your memory

So you should cry when separated

Pray for come across forever

Spread in the streets like a bagger

Only your heart should call him

I pray you will be love

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

I love my tears

I love my tears than my smile,
Because my smile is for the   world,
But my tears are only for my love,
When I remember you,
When the joy of thy coming meet, 
When I'm sad in your grief,
When I ever meet you,
And when I am detached from you,
My tear and every moment you stay with me,

Monday, February 11, 2019

Ascension of Life 1

Ascension   of Life
Ascension   of Life is to live for others
Everyone live for yourself not others
But it is the one who sacrifices all his happiness for others.
Because for your own sake, to give something to someone else, to prevent anything from anyone,
Meet others for your purpose, or get involved with your work
These are all signs of selfishness and low ability, and self-determination in the world, though apparently everything is achieved
But they do not get the place of respect in the heart of others
It can be done in this part of the world, just by becoming Selfless and in the part of the people of the world of mankind

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Happy marriage tips

Happy marriage tips

1. The purpose of marriage is not to rule over each other's body, but one should be complete to another.

2. Marriage is an ailment we accept ourselves happily.

3. Marriage is a funeral ceremony where the groom smells its own flowers.

4. If something is good for me is so calm that not married.

5. The husband who states his wife news that marriage is a little long.

6. Who are less fortunate husband at least once in her life Day Do not weep and do not envy bachelor.

7. All the suffering and death is the end of the joys of marriage.

8. If men and women got Marriage only when they are fall in love, then many people shall die without marriage.

9. Anyone who looks at the deepest of the marriage results conclusion Marriage is a slave.

10. It is easy to talk many things but difficult to buy, marriage is one of them.
11. The marriage could be successful when husband is deaf and wife is dumb.

12. Marriage is love and love is blind, so marriage is an institution which is set up for the blind.

13. Marriage must, fortunately, if you got a good wife life will be came joyful, and if the wife was not good, you will become a philosopher.

14. Before Marriage I had six ideas about child training and upbringing, now I have six children and the theory is not one.

15. Hearing the news of marriage, the happier would be the married people, due to their joy is only that another has been stuck.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Two things in my life

Two things in my life
Take away everything from me, but let me have two things

One feeling that I am free, and the other is what I think can tell liberally, besides this I do not want anything.