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Sunday, January 3, 2021

Love's a Gift from God

Love's a Gift from God

Love can't be described.

It has no shape, it has no form.

Love is not an object.

Love does not conform.


Love enters our lives

The moment we are born.

From the cradle to the grave,

Love's in everyone.


Love burns like a candle

That sometimes flickers but never dies.

Love may be invisible,

Although it's right before your eyes,


Love can leave you empty,

Love can make you whole.

Love can make or break you,

Love is in your soul.

Love is in your heart,

Love is in your mind.

Love doesn't discriminate,

Love is always blind.


Love is universal,

It encompasses the globe.

No matter where you are,

Love has a language all its own.


Love is all around you.

There's plenty of love to spare.

You cannot see or touch it,

But love is everywhere.


Love's the greatest power,

And yet it is so small.

Love's a gift from God

To be shared amongst us all.

John Peter Read


Sunday, December 27, 2020

Love and Faith

Love and Faith

Love is a passion that gives birth to both worlds. There is a need for immorality. Everybody is asking for sacrifice, whether human beings or animals, love make the world so colorful and beauty. It is a sweet thing that love forces man to make the most difficult, if there is no love, then the passion of sacrifice ends, when the creation of a human being has been a source of love. And in search of true love, for true love man is ready to eliminate his eagerness, his search and discovery will be continued forever and will continue, because it Without emotions, he cannot get peace and prosperity for his life; For the sake of love, man is ready to sacrifice everything to his soul, the world of the passion which is given to him changes. If love is real or virtual, its existence burns up and burns, the beloved of the one whose one look, is free from being freed from the time of time and imprisonment, It does not have any sense of time or house, it erases itself, "it is the image of the one who is make of dust, for the sake of one's dust" make picture of the nothing. They just want the same desire, what is the desire of the beloved, they give their whole life to get only one bridge, in the moment the person likes his beloved, get a look at him. The searches of one moments took several lives end.

Love is the same as it is the love of belief and integrity, which is humble and incompatible, recognizes its universe and existence for humility and integrity. It is necessary for the pleasure of Allah Almighty. That is, whatever happening in humans and in the Hereafter with humans, please be happy for Allah. Love and belief when one gets both of these passions, he gets fed up on a destination which is called a place of worship and man is engaged in an effort to reach it, faith and love are of interest. If the heart is not clean, how can the light of love and faith come true, and when the heart is not clean, the body cannot be clean and smooth.


Do not see what we get from lover eyes

The Peace cannot be found from without love

This is a miracle of love

The believer is not separated from the beloved believer



Thursday, December 24, 2020

The truth of life you believe

 The truth of life you believe or not?

1.   Everything has to perish, nothing is permanent. In this life neither sorrow, happiness, wealth is youthful, time, property or anything is permanent.

2.   Beauty is always seen first, more than a good heart. A beautiful face gets more preference everywhere.

3.   If you are rich, you have authority over everything. This includes special hospitality and priority in malls, restaurants, government offices and weddings.

4.   The worst thing that can ever happen to anyone is heartbreak. It is like dying daily and if you are suffering from a broken heart then you will have a lot of physical ailments. Besides, it is one of the things that teaches you the best lesson in life. Heartbreak is the real thing!!

5.   How much you love someone is going to die someday. Your parents, your family, friends and you. The sooner you accept this, the easier life will be.

6.   When half of the people in the world are engaged in weight loss, at that time the same number of people are struggling for food.

7.   In today's world, we love and spend more time with our mobile.

8.   Egos are more important than relationships. People will do anything to advance their egos to take the initiative to save the relationship. The children suffer the most.

9.   A cricketer or an actor is paid in lakhs only for a two-hour event where our army who sacrifices his life is paid a few pennies to save our country.

10.              Society is full of secondary status. Today a person preaching peace will gossip about how they hate someone for the next hour. Similarly, a girl who propagates feminism will fight for a woman seat in a bus with a man.


Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Love Feelings

Love Feelings

I’d like to take time to say

Just how you make me feel.

Your smile brightens my darkest day

And make our friendship real.

Every time you hold my hand,

I feel butterflies take flight,

And I find myself missing you

Each time you’re out of sight.

Each morning when I awake,

You’re the first thing on my mind,

And I’ll protect the special bond we share

Because true love is hard to find.

You’re someone very special

And this I know is true.

I’m happier than I’ve ever been

And I owe that all to you


Sunday, December 20, 2020

Lasting Friendship

Lasting Friendship

The lasting friendship that we share
Is knowing that you're always there,
To make me smile when tears flow
And pick me up when I feel low.

To be there when I need a friend
To comfort me until the end,
And be my rock to which I cling
You are my all and everything.

To share my thoughts upon each day
To guide me and show me the way,
And keep me warm when I am cold
A loving hand that I can hold.

And always to believe in me
To see the colors that I see,
And share the sounds that I do hear
The friendship that I hold so dear.

Andrew Blakemore


Saturday, December 19, 2020

Lost Love

Lost Love

You had love me

I had love you

In pursuit of your love

I placed on the lower niche

My ego, my identifiable

I was in deceptions

That you are at my voice

At some theme you will return

Will be look back in a moment

You will finally return to me

But you have learned only

To ignore me

To disappoint me

To disgrace me

To humiliate me

But let go

In my ruined destiny

Probably not your love

That's all you only to say

We were in love, or not???



Friday, December 18, 2020

A Friend

A Friend

A friend is one who stands to share
Your every touch of grief and care
He comes by chance, but stays by choice
Your praises he is quick to voice

No grievous fault or passing whim
Can make an enemy of him
And though your need be great or small
His strength is yours throughout it all

No matter where your path may turn
Your welfare is his chief concern
No matter what your dream may be
He prays your triumph soon to see

There is no wish your tongue can tell
But what it is your friend's as well
The life of him who has a friend
Is double-guarded to the end.

By Edgar A. Guest


Thursday, December 17, 2020

The Freedom of the Moon

The Freedom of the Moon

I've tried the new moon tilted in the air

Above a hazy tree-and-farmhouse cluster

As you might try a jewel in your hair.

I've tried it fine with little breadth of luster,

Alone, or in one ornament combining

With one first-water start almost shining.

I put it shining anywhere I please.

By walking slowly on some evening later,

I've pulled it from a crate of crooked trees,

And brought it over glossy water, greater,

And dropped it in, and seen the image wallow,

The color run, all sorts of wonder follow.

Robert Frost