Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Relationships in today's society ?


What is wrong with relationships in today's society?

1. Permanent relationships are dead.

2. Lying and cheating are socially acceptable.

3. Cash has taken center stage.

4. Sex are some things to beg for. Not a marital status right.

5. We tend to sleep in the age of insanity, therefore WHO cares?

6. Love has been replaced with lust

7. If a relationship lasts for a year, that’s a miracle.

8. If you don’t have a stylish, good phone you’re not eligible for a date.

9. Social media is destroying marriages and relationships. Even among the foremost conservative of societies.

10. If you don’t have a social media man or girlfriend you’re weird.

11. That social media has taken our relationships additionally as our lives isn't any longer a secret

12. On-line weddings complete with a ‘clergy for hire’ can become a preferred culture.

13. Cyber-sex is a lot of current. Even once your spousal equivalent is sleeping right beside you.

14. Having casual sex within the geographical point is traditional as long as there’s a box of condoms.

15. Relationships are simply experiments to check if a wedding can work.

16. Sex is quick and furious as a result of there's no time and no love. And dwindles as quick because the lust that triggered it in the first place.

17. Wedding could be a contract of convenience rather than love.

18. Relationships are currently determined by the number of cash one has. Not by the number of affection.

19. ‘Come we tend to keep marriages’ have replaced ancient marriages.

20. Quality could be a personal preference. Not a sin.

21. Unofficial spousal relationship is wrongfully opposed, however socially accepted.

22. You’re weird if you’re still a virgin at twenty. At 30, you’re abnormal.

23. Same sex wedding is traditional. Not absurd.

24. You’re weird if you don’t get pleasure from cluster or perverted sex. A lot of therefore if you’re married couples.

25. Most relationships have not far-famed real love in their lives. Only lust.

26. Marriages can solely last for as long as you'll be able to bring food on the table.

27. Everyone seems to be chasing a career, thus there’s no time for a relationship.

28. Kids are merely associate untimely inconvenience that add salt to injury.

29. Relationships are determined by what proportion you earn. Not what proportion you earn. Not what proportion you contribute to assembling a robust relationship.

30. Trendy society has a lot of patience for a mobile than they need for a relationship.


Love is Blind


Love is Blind  

Some people say love is blind,

But I say love is not only blind rather,

It is thoughtless,

Lover can’t see anything except his beloved.

The eyes of lover are tied with love, the whole entire world sees it in their beloved

His passionate day and night passes only for their beloved.

Every moment passes in the memory of the beloved, if it is in front, there is a lot of happiness.

Every moment on a beloved pointer is ready to disclose everything.

When anyone fall in love his brain turn into inactive, and could not understand anything correctly, as a result he become blind. 

I love you because I wants you, I miss you lot, I understand you and your feelings, I love with my soul because you’re my soul mate,

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Romance in Life


Romance in life

It is true to say that romance, love, and sex, are not the most important things a person can experience in their lives but it is also true to say that relationship is an emotion of mutual understanding that takes time to grow. I always believed that romance could be anything. However, since my college graduation, marriage has become part of me, my dreams, and my goals. Now I am more than happy about the fact that my mother is happy now that she married a guy like her husband of 27 years. There is even romance in the way we have been living together. We both share responsibilities, we get along very well and have fun doing our activities. So, yes, romance is a feeling that you feel when two people meet at least once. In addition, there are many romantic movies, such as The Notebook and An Angel from Kenya and we can do nothing else but laugh even if we are unhappy.

But what is romance?

Romance in its simplest sense means to appreciate someone or something and love them. Love is a complex feeling where you feel completely different emotions towards each other. The emotions related to this feeling include happiness, sadness, hate, joy, fear, confusion, anger, and so on. Romantic love is an emotional state where two persons have strong mutual feelings for any person and want to know a person who can satisfy all their needs and show unconditional love to them. Therefore, romantic love involves having deep feelings and long-term commitments. Sometimes, romantic love is difficult to define because it tends to vary among individuals and change depending on time and place. Romantic love is sometimes referred to as “passion” when you feel deeply with someone for reasons unrelated to a particular subject. This feeling can cause a big disruption in a person’s life. For example, when a man comes home after work, he may suddenly start loving his wife because there are no words to describe how much he loves her and wants to make her happy even if it has no chance of being successful. At times, the same feeling may occur between parents and young children. Young children who love their parents very much tend to cry when they see him/crying. When couples share feelings and deep commitments, they eventually form families. Parents and children may share some common characteristics such as personality, attitudes, interests, interests, values, beliefs, etc.

Romantic love is extremely hard to achieve especially during relationships between adults. One reason may be the lack of understanding of how one person perceives another person. Another reason might be shyness and uncertainty regarding whether one party or another party will be willing to spend time explaining or apologizing to achieve mutual intimacy. Other factors may be shyness and uncertainty regarding trust. Due to the above causes, finding romantic love becomes harder. Also, if someone fails to understand your point of view, love will likely fade away. Furthermore, if someone doesn’t want to commit and spend time talking about things, things may take a different meaning. But I’ve never doubted that love exists. As my mom stated, she is confident about finding romantic love again so surely love is still there.

Romantic love can also lead to intense jealousy. That is because you believe that only romantic love can bring out the best in any relationship and therefore you often doubt if you would find yourself happy without any romantically involved persons around. Although jealousy rarely occurs due to the strong commitment and strong relationship, it can happen at random moments. People may worry that their partner may lose interest or passion in activities they used to enjoy. You may get jealous of your friends because you feel like they could be having feelings of the same kind.

Romantic love does not need to be perfect. A simple “I’ll give you my heart for yours” will do. If your date isn’t perfect then it won’t be great. Yes, you may find yourself spending a lot more time doing activities that will help you learn more about him or her, and eventually, you will get to know about a person, but if they aren’t interested because they just want to sleep on your bed, you won't find love!

Romantic love has positive effects on relationships in society. First, romantic love makes people more open to communication and it helps couples build deeper and stronger trust. Second, romantic love is said to remove self-doubt for those that are insecure since people are no longer worried about them. Lastly, romantic love can help people cope with anxiety and stressful mood swings during difficult times. Romantic love has several advantages and disadvantages.

First of all, romantic love is very easy to talk about and share. Secondly, there is a lower tendency to over-analyze romantic relationships and romantic activities may seem strange to an individual. Thirdly, romantic love enhances personal growth and learning. Fourth, romantic love promotes healthy relationships by making sure partners do not feel left and right. Fifth, romantic love can boost social skills and can improve communication skills. Moreover, romantic love is the foundation for interpersonal communication and empathy. Finally, romantic love removes unnecessary differences in the family as well as friends.

Romantic love is a wonderful feeling that all people with romantic views should experience. By having romantic love, people become aware of their romantic ideas and dreams. They try to reach them by showing a certain level of commitment and love for a romantic partner. Furthermore, romantic love leads people into deeper and broader thinking without really asking questions. Besides, romantic love provides greater insight into others and can help those struggling with depression and anxiety regain focus and confidence. Thus, romantic love is extremely useful for our life.

Monday, August 1, 2022

My Love & Lovers

My Love and Lovers

There are a lot of situations in our lives that we cannot live without one person, the love of our lives, for example when you’re having a hard time being single or in a relationship, or perhaps you want to be with someone else but you aren’t sure how to start with or what kind of person they are. This can lead us into making excuses like “I don’t have time to think about it” or maybe there isn’t anywhere to go, or I just don’t think he/she is right for me or it would suck to see them together and not want them to be together. I’ve also had times where I wish these people were dead or had never been born in my life. Maybe you’re lucky to find the love of your dreams, but sometimes finding yourself in such situations may turn you from loving being with anyone close by to wanting nothing to do with someone because if that’s the case then it’ll be harder to see his/her every move, even if that’s the case than most men like that they have a chance to let their emotions run free and play in other peoples’ minds. That’s why I say be careful when dating, because if you find that it isn't happy for it, then you might be hurting the person who loves you back. It's important to know what to expect, to make sure that the date does not go well, and also give them a little warning because you should just wait until after the first few minutes are gone. You should always respect the feelings of a person because it helps you find out if they're worth it from then on.

So, no matter what you decide about dating, it won't always end well, but at least know what to expect and give them plenty of things to talk about. Also, remember that some people aren't happy with themselves and need some self-love instead.

If you're looking for love in this article please do let me know, there are plenty of people out there whose problems are very similar to mine and also some others who need a bit more love and attention.

I know it can sometimes get tough to find love this way at least sometimes for some people but if you like what you see then you have to take a chance and accept a relationship to tell the good news. No one is perfect, so we all still have flaws as human beings. Some of us just need someone to come and fix everything and that's because we have a problem. We can try to control what happens in our lives but we can't control how people respond to our situations. I know it's always hard to change a negative habit, especially at the beginning of a new period of your life or relationship. But that doesn't mean anything else. Just give him/her a smile when you see him/her and be ready to support each other. We need to show people that our problems are temporary and will go away when someone comes along.

You shouldn't force their hand into what they want out of you but I know from experience that you are going to love whatever you get from them. Even if it's a simple "I see you on Sundays", no matter how long it takes you have to believe in him/her to know that they aren't going to hurt you. So keep an open mind and remember that there is always someone out there waiting for you. Especially on those nights you've been left out of someone else's plans and have no place to hang out but your heart starts beating again, you want to feel the connection more than usual, when he/she walks in the door it feels like a whole new world and you can relax and enjoy being by his/her side all night long. Make sure your eyes are open because you're bound to fall deeper and deeper into his/her arms to give them your undivided attention as soon as you open your heart and let go. The same applies to your mind. Be yourself and let yourself feel everything as though you would be there. Don't force anything, just know what you want out of the situation with all the love and communication you will give.

Don't waste time with someone who doesn't care at all about you just because he/she makes the girl next to you more depressed. If he/she likes you he/she will always show that and that can only be true if you find someone else. Just tell yourself when he/she shows signs of wanting something he/she wants to talk about it, talk about it, and make sure you both are on the same page about what you like, and don't be afraid to ask for more love. We all have many flaws and flaws are often hidden in a person, so be careful when choosing someone to go on dates with. Sometimes we have to meet certain criteria or look a certain way, but we cannot lie to ourselves or expect a person to lie to us the only way. Only by being truthful with ourselves can we possibly know what we want and whether or not it's a match for that person or not. In the end, we are all humans after all and everyone has a flaw just like everyone else and it is up to us to decide what we want from our partners in a relationship.

My boyfriend and I dated for almost three years now and this is a pretty big deal considering we are in different stages of life. In the beginning, everything seemed interesting until he took too much interest in someone else and didn't know the real person inside of him. His friends told us it was because he felt he wasn't in good enough company. When we tried talking about the fact we weren't compatible with our schedules since we couldn't agree on any plan, his parents thought I was mad; they were worried that he would start doing drugs or drinking alcohol again and that is completely wrong. He is a wonderful guy, so my guess is him feeling insecure and lonely. How many times did he ever feel like he was rejected? He was a great friend but when he started hanging around the wrong companies he became distant and avoided people and that is normal. Now we were getting on the phone every day because we both wanted to stay apart to protect our relationship. Being young, you want to be in love all the time. Then we got together and after that, we started spending more time together than anybody we could have. After we were over there was no going back.

I'd appreciate any help if you're willing to try and allow me to tell my story if you get caught in such unfortunate circumstances. Maybe you'll love someone better than this one person you're currently in; maybe you don't. Either way, just know that there is someone out there who would be perfectly fine with having sex with you all the time. And after a while, you'll realize that's what you want too.


Saturday, April 10, 2021

Important life lesson

 Important life lesson

1.  Happiness: It doesn’t come from money, objects or relationships. It comes from the inside.

2.  Health: As you age, you realize how important health is to take care of at an early age.

3.  Love: Most won’t experience true love. And the one you love the most, will hurt you the most.

4.  Caring what people think: Everyone is too worried about their own life to worry about mine. And if they do judge me, has everything to do with them and not me. What matters is what “I” think of me.

5.  Self-awareness: This should be a core class in high school. The more you are aware the better life you will live.

6.  Mental health, diet and exercise: The two go hand in hand. Both improves the other. What you put in, is what you will get out. That 30 min walk fairly can and will do wonders.

7.  Toxic people: I’ve wasted years of my life with toxic people. When you see the red flags, remove that person from your life.

8.  People rarely change: Your partner lies, cheats, and disrespects, but promises to change? Odds are they won’t. Cheating and lying aren’t mistakes, they are choices and selfish at that.

9.  Saving money: Start early in your life.

10.  Simplicity: Keep life simple. Don’t sweat the small stuff with excessive worry. What I’ve learned is, worrying does no good. 99% of the time what I worried about ended up wasted time and energy. Expect the best and accept the worse.


Thursday, April 8, 2021

Take Off Your Clothes


Take off your clothes

Wrapping in someone's arms

Then kill his emotions

If this is love, you say

So I'm not, sorry

Thinking of sinning

Squeezing beautiful fairies

Then tear out his eyes

If this is love, you say

So I'm not, sorry

Giving someone a web of words

Shaping someone's emotions

Then raise his honor

If this is love, you say

So I'm not, sorry

Walking in the dark city

Beauties smashed

And smile at your nature

If this is love, you say

So I'm not, sorry