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Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Romance in Life


Romance in life

It is true to say that romance, love, and sex, are not the most important things a person can experience in their lives but it is also true to say that relationship is an emotion of mutual understanding that takes time to grow. I always believed that romance could be anything. However, since my college graduation, marriage has become part of me, my dreams, and my goals. Now I am more than happy about the fact that my mother is happy now that she married a guy like her husband of 27 years. There is even romance in the way we have been living together. We both share responsibilities, we get along very well and have fun doing our activities. So, yes, romance is a feeling that you feel when two people meet at least once. In addition, there are many romantic movies, such as The Notebook and An Angel from Kenya and we can do nothing else but laugh even if we are unhappy.

But what is romance?

Romance in its simplest sense means to appreciate someone or something and love them. Love is a complex feeling where you feel completely different emotions towards each other. The emotions related to this feeling include happiness, sadness, hate, joy, fear, confusion, anger, and so on. Romantic love is an emotional state where two persons have strong mutual feelings for any person and want to know a person who can satisfy all their needs and show unconditional love to them. Therefore, romantic love involves having deep feelings and long-term commitments. Sometimes, romantic love is difficult to define because it tends to vary among individuals and change depending on time and place. Romantic love is sometimes referred to as “passion” when you feel deeply with someone for reasons unrelated to a particular subject. This feeling can cause a big disruption in a person’s life. For example, when a man comes home after work, he may suddenly start loving his wife because there are no words to describe how much he loves her and wants to make her happy even if it has no chance of being successful. At times, the same feeling may occur between parents and young children. Young children who love their parents very much tend to cry when they see him/crying. When couples share feelings and deep commitments, they eventually form families. Parents and children may share some common characteristics such as personality, attitudes, interests, interests, values, beliefs, etc.

Romantic love is extremely hard to achieve especially during relationships between adults. One reason may be the lack of understanding of how one person perceives another person. Another reason might be shyness and uncertainty regarding whether one party or another party will be willing to spend time explaining or apologizing to achieve mutual intimacy. Other factors may be shyness and uncertainty regarding trust. Due to the above causes, finding romantic love becomes harder. Also, if someone fails to understand your point of view, love will likely fade away. Furthermore, if someone doesn’t want to commit and spend time talking about things, things may take a different meaning. But I’ve never doubted that love exists. As my mom stated, she is confident about finding romantic love again so surely love is still there.

Romantic love can also lead to intense jealousy. That is because you believe that only romantic love can bring out the best in any relationship and therefore you often doubt if you would find yourself happy without any romantically involved persons around. Although jealousy rarely occurs due to the strong commitment and strong relationship, it can happen at random moments. People may worry that their partner may lose interest or passion in activities they used to enjoy. You may get jealous of your friends because you feel like they could be having feelings of the same kind.

Romantic love does not need to be perfect. A simple “I’ll give you my heart for yours” will do. If your date isn’t perfect then it won’t be great. Yes, you may find yourself spending a lot more time doing activities that will help you learn more about him or her, and eventually, you will get to know about a person, but if they aren’t interested because they just want to sleep on your bed, you won't find love!

Romantic love has positive effects on relationships in society. First, romantic love makes people more open to communication and it helps couples build deeper and stronger trust. Second, romantic love is said to remove self-doubt for those that are insecure since people are no longer worried about them. Lastly, romantic love can help people cope with anxiety and stressful mood swings during difficult times. Romantic love has several advantages and disadvantages.

First of all, romantic love is very easy to talk about and share. Secondly, there is a lower tendency to over-analyze romantic relationships and romantic activities may seem strange to an individual. Thirdly, romantic love enhances personal growth and learning. Fourth, romantic love promotes healthy relationships by making sure partners do not feel left and right. Fifth, romantic love can boost social skills and can improve communication skills. Moreover, romantic love is the foundation for interpersonal communication and empathy. Finally, romantic love removes unnecessary differences in the family as well as friends.

Romantic love is a wonderful feeling that all people with romantic views should experience. By having romantic love, people become aware of their romantic ideas and dreams. They try to reach them by showing a certain level of commitment and love for a romantic partner. Furthermore, romantic love leads people into deeper and broader thinking without really asking questions. Besides, romantic love provides greater insight into others and can help those struggling with depression and anxiety regain focus and confidence. Thus, romantic love is extremely useful for our life.

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