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Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Everlasting Love

Loving you was never something I had planned…. It’s just happened. The moment I saw you something magical happened…..and the moment you first spoke to me it was as if my insides cracked open and some hidden part of me broke free…. It whispered your name as if it had been waiting to hear your voice since before time began… That look in your eyes when they met mine… it took my breath away…. And the first time you held me my heart stopped beating and I felt like I couldn’t breathe… and even after so many years, my heart still yearns for your touch…. My senses still long for your deep voice and when you call my name… time freezes… everything comes to a standstill.
To this day – when you hold me in your arms it is as if the whole universe bows before me… You are my serenity amidst this chaos… my repose… your love sedates all the turbulence of my life… I have loved you since before the ages… I still love you… and I always will be loving you forever.

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