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Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Psychological & Social Effects in love

1.      Giving a woman's independence in a love is a sureness of your love. The more independence you give her, the more she feels drawn to you.

2.      Surprising a woman with gifts like a necklace, jewelry which triggers the same feelings of love like just before the first meeting.

3.      The body language of your woman shows you that how she loves you when another interest in you.

4.       You can easily renew and bonding your relationship by frequently spending time together at a camping site, a trip, adventure, or going on a picnic.

5.       A woman can easily make her lover remain faithful by surprise gifts like a watch, a shirt, and a pair of shoes, or a new shirt.

6.      You will never please a woman if you aren’t stimulating her mind and making her feel the love experience. Speaking words of inspiration like “I love you” and making a woman feel loved, beautiful, and appreciated means a great deal to her.

7.      Looking into your woman’s eyes and holding eye contact increasing love and foreplay can make her feel far more turned on and excited.

8.       The first impression and eye contact are by far some of the most effective ways of attracting someone the first time. Most people fall in love through eye contact during the first 30 seconds.

9.     Men are psychologically turned on by women who wear red. The color red is strongly linked to desire and attraction. For example, there is evidence that women reported wearing red clothes more often during the fertile phases of their menstrual cycle.

10.    You gradually fall in love with someone you spend a lot of time with, like a fellow student or a co-worker. This is a phenomenon known as the expose effects. Exposure effects is a psychological phenomenon by which people tend to be attracted to each other the more time they spend together.

11.    People are more likely to be attracted to those who are just as attractive as they are. This is known as the Matching Hypothesis. Studies show that if you are attractive, you might want to be with the most beautiful person in the neighborhood, at work or at school.

12.     Changing the curtains of the room where you frequently make love has the same psychological effect as making love in a different room.

13.     Testosterone is a powerful male hormone that attracts women by the odor it produces. Wearing a cologne that simulates the odor of testosterone can make your woman strongly fall in love with you.

14. The link between humor and intelligence has for a long time fascinated psychologists. Women are emotionally, psychologically drawn to funny and humorous man. Women love to be happy, therefore, a man who makes them laugh draws them like a magnet.

15. Taking someone on a first date that gets their heart pumping like a roller coaster ride, fast car, motorcycle ride or a movie thriller spikes their adrenaline, tricking them into believing they enjoyed spending time with you more than with any other person.

16.         When two people embrace or hug each other for a while, the brain releases Oxycontin hormones that help relieve migraine headaches and calms the nerves for up to at least 4 hours.

17.     Humorous man is the successful man in love because the woman loves humor a lot and a funny moments can make life happily

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