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Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The Best Relationship

The Best Relationship Advise for recently Married.


1.    Respect your partner. Always No matter how mad you are at her, never shout at her or disrespect her.

2.    Never go to bed mad at your wife. Make restitutions before you go to sleep.

3.    Your wife was an individual person before she met you: she had friends, family and hobbies. Do not expect her to leave it all behind for you. Same for you.

4.    No matter how in love you are, there will be times when you, or her, need to be alone. Give yourselves that space, and don’t make a promise you could not fulfill of that. Having free, alone time is a human need.

5.    Respect your in-law family. And ask the same from her.

6.    Remember: patience is the key of crucial in a marriage.

7.    Honest statement is key. Your wife doesn’t have a crystal ball, she cannot read your mind. If something is bothering you, share with. But don’t scream.

8.    Don’t do anything to her that you would not like to be done to you.

9.    Money can be a problem sometimes. But don't let it ruin your marriage. Money comes and goes, but your love won’t.

10.Nobody is perfect, so forgive her failures and strange customs as she surely forgive yours.



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