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Sunday, November 18, 2018

I pray you will be love

I pray you will be love
Someone should live in your heart
Keep yours only forever
Someone should separate you from it
Let your laughter be sad
Your eyes should full of tear
It's all about you in everything
Only remember that in your memory
So you should cry when separated
Pray for come across forever
Spread in the streets like a bagger
Only your heart should call him
I pray you will be love

I’m your lover

I’m your lover
You’re my love
You’re my happiness
You’re my life heritor
You’re smile of my life
You’re smile had disappear all my grief
Spring comes when your arrival
My life has gone when you left me
It hurts me when you ignore my love
It’s my promise, I shall be yours only
Forever and don’t leave you alone
Because you’re my love
I’m your lover

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Love Break Hearts

Love Break Hearts
A rich man who loved someone
And told her “oh my love, don’t let me
Alone, please come to me and listen my heart beats, just smile for me because your smile is reflection of our bright Future, your pleasure is connected to my future happiness
Smile for me to caught the endless
Happiness of life
My heart said that you could not assurances on me, don’t doubt on me
Doubt in love matter is prohibited
Let’s see me, you will be the queen of my heart and owner of all my properties
I can’t hide any secret from you
My heart is open can’t hide anything
You will be the queen of my paradise of love
I have done all of these only for your love, they had met forever.
A poor man who loved someone
Don’t cry my love, I will be back soon
Love who have light up our eyes
And make our hearts together
Its gave us Patience and calmness
Don’t worry in separation days
We have made a promise in each other
In Covenant we had enter the holy valley of love
Our love moments shall be growing during Separation and tragedy
We shall bear all tragedy for the sack of our Love, and I will fight for my love
When I shall conquer all situations, My Love gave me Strength to spend my life with you,
I believe my God who knows all my tears and wears of life, shall gave me success
A painful sound of lover yield don’t worry my love, I will be back soon
Goodbye my love, Goodbye my love
We shall meet again soon,
The time had separated them

In the light of two love stories I had found the reality of life, that’s could
Not buy with rupees and not slave by force
The name of immortal reality is love that’s could not be denied  

You’re my soul mate

You’re my soul mate
Your love make me beautiful
Your love make me blossoming
I have loved you very much
I have scattered in your love arms
You make me crazy in your love
In this condition I will goes wild
When lips are connected to lips
A fire of love began.
I want to tell you something special
You have meet me after several years search
My heart beats unstable within several times
When you meet me alone
You’re my soul mate
You’re love make me superior

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Before you love me

Before you love me
Before you need to cognize me
I am totally hurt, scattered and confused
My soul is distress
My day and night have darks
No one can trust me for a while
Because everyone has always left me, cheated me, and chosen someone else
I will need reassurance. I will need you,
I will need you to keep choosing me,
I will need you to care me when I am feeling bad again, I am a looser, and I know this
If you love me, I will always be happy
I will always be positive
I will always be smiling
Accept all realities before you get involved
Don’t enter my life if you can’t handle it
And I don’t want to enter in my past again, which I have forgotten
Now I want to remember you only
Because you are my love

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Message of the day

Message of the day
There are five things in your life
Which can’t be finished but should be controlled by yourself with the help
Of prayer (worship of God)
1.         Lust (sexual desire)
2.        Greed (selfish desire)
3.        Anger (strong feeling of irritation )
4.        Jealousy (feeling of being jealous)
5.        Arrogance (the quality of being arrogant )
        If you succeed to control these things
        Your soul shall be free of filth and
        Goes to everywhere in the universe.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Life Quotes

Ø  Life Quotes
1. Understanding is deeper than           knowledge.
There are many people who know you
But there are very few who understand you 

2.       Only trust someone who can understand your feeling such in three things:
                  I.        The sorrow behind your smile,
               II.        The love behind your anger,
           III.        The reason behind your silence.

3.       Never ignore a person who loves you, Cares for you and misses you,
Because one day, you might wake up
And realize, you lost the moon while counting stars.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Rain of sorrow

Rain of sorrow
In your love my eyes full of tear
In your love my heart full of pain
In your love I can’t tell you anything
In your love I can’t say my heart talk

In teen age I had got pain of love
Why my heart got love someone who can’t come across me
In my deep thinking I call you several times, but could not found you
Rain of tears begins with laughing eyes
What happens you had disappointed me
When you could not talk to me
When you’re not with me I felt like lonely
My dreams going to be dark and days every moment painful
You hurt me and every happiness has vanished away from my life

I beg to you for sack of your love
Don’t let me alone in the sorrow world
Rain of sorrow stared.