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Friday, August 16, 2019

Love is not take possession

Real Love Characteristics (Lesson Two)
2.               Love is not take possession

Love is not take possession, there has no one authority over another, and love is the name of freedom
The name of binding someone to your feet is not love. When you love someone, leave him free. If he is already yours, he comes back and will return to you and. If it doesn’t, then it never was yours.
In love, give your partner freedom to think and can do anything he want and do not restrict each other's thoughts, if you respect each other's passions and feelings, love will flourish and true harmony will arise. True love does not comes from control of each other’s, but comes from freedom of love

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Don't keep expectations in love

Real Love Characteristics (Lesson one)
1.               Don't keep expectations in love
When we love someone, the heart desires that they too respond to with love. These are our expectations that we have deceiving ourselves
Whenever you love someone, you must forget your expectations, Not that you get love in return for love. You must love with your lover only not that he even loves you. You have to worry about your love only because you prove your love.
Leave anything, grow up your love. Protect it. To extent of love intensity and increase it.
Try to make yourself a true lover in the eyes of your beloved. Forget expectations                                                                                          Adil           

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Love is Big Truth

Love is big truth of our life, we accept this truth when we fall in love someone who became our life eventually, without him we would not want to take a single breath, and we can’t took any step of life without him, we eventually reach the love stage when,

We do not want to see anyone else

We don't want to think of anyone else

We do not want to understand anyone else

We do not want to spend our lives with anyone else

We want to seek freshness of our soul in their glance,

We want to find our happiness in their Pleasure.

We want to find bliss in their laughter.

We want to share love together to build endless relationship each other.

To encourage love with smile and sincere words of praise, to listen each other thoughts and care in tender, affectionate ways.

Love is special thing for only one person who spend life with you sharing laughter and tears as a companion, a lover

Thursday, July 18, 2019


True love is never forced, it just comes naturally. The sound of heart cannot be eliminated or ignore
It's very hard to forget that one who loved you sincerely and cherish to be with him all moment of life.
For better relationship to happen, all lovers must understand each other quite well and know all ups and down of life and be ready to sacrifice for anything just to protect their relationship.
No sweet love is picked, it Does come from hard and commitment with each other, so guard
Your love genuinely. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

I Love You so much

I Love You so much

Every time I say I love you

I am really trying to say so much more than those three little words.

I am trying to say you mean more to me than anyone else in the world.

I am trying to let you know that I adore you and that I cherish the time we spend together.

I am trying to explain that I want you and that I need you and that I get lost in wonderful thoughts every time I think about you.

And each time I whisper “I love you” I am trying to remind you that you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. 

Monday, July 1, 2019


**A strong sense of humor is generally associated with intelligence and honesty. This is why most women are attracted to men who possess a strong sense of humor.
**Men who possess deeper voices are more likely to appear attractive or make an impression on women than men who possess higher voices.
**The act of falling in love is known to have a calming effect on a person’s body and mind

**Love is a meeting of two souls, fully accepting the up and down of life with each other in the path of love and bound by courage to grow thru struggle in to bliss

**Love with someone who will take care of you not materialistically but pay attention of your soul, your heart desire and everything that’s you want from him in the pas

Friday, June 7, 2019

My Love Forever

My Love Forever

I want to tell that you are my love, although you ignoring me. I will not demand for your love because love had not force you any condition for loving me, my love is only for you and I don’t want anything from you for sack of my love.
I know that I am not important for you but you are essential for my life. Your smile spread light in my dark life, your voice will make a magic in every moment of my colorless life. My heart is like a toy for you, but I handed over to you, would you accept or break my heart, as you wish I don’t mind, because I left all my life for your love only. The last thing I want to remind you, that now, past and in future you are my love forever.  

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Everlasting Love

Loving you was never something I had planned…. It’s just happened. The moment I saw you something magical happened…..and the moment you first spoke to me it was as if my insides cracked open and some hidden part of me broke free…. It whispered your name as if it had been waiting to hear your voice since before time began… That look in your eyes when they met mine… it took my breath away…. And the first time you held me my heart stopped beating and I felt like I couldn’t breathe… and even after so many years, my heart still yearns for your touch…. My senses still long for your deep voice and when you call my name… time freezes… everything comes to a standstill.
To this day – when you hold me in your arms it is as if the whole universe bows before me… You are my serenity amidst this chaos… my repose… your love sedates all the turbulence of my life… I have loved you since before the ages… I still love you… and I always will be loving you forever.