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Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The Best Relationship

The Best Relationship Advise for recently Married.


1.    Respect your partner. Always No matter how mad you are at her, never shout at her or disrespect her.

2.    Never go to bed mad at your wife. Make restitutions before you go to sleep.

3.    Your wife was an individual person before she met you: she had friends, family and hobbies. Do not expect her to leave it all behind for you. Same for you.

4.    No matter how in love you are, there will be times when you, or her, need to be alone. Give yourselves that space, and don’t make a promise you could not fulfill of that. Having free, alone time is a human need.

5.    Respect your in-law family. And ask the same from her.

6.    Remember: patience is the key of crucial in a marriage.

7.    Honest statement is key. Your wife doesn’t have a crystal ball, she cannot read your mind. If something is bothering you, share with. But don’t scream.

8.    Don’t do anything to her that you would not like to be done to you.

9.    Money can be a problem sometimes. But don't let it ruin your marriage. Money comes and goes, but your love won’t.

10.Nobody is perfect, so forgive her failures and strange customs as she surely forgive yours.



Saturday, December 5, 2020

My Love Poem


If I will be not with you

Tell me, who will you madden?

All of your sorrows

The hidden tears in eyes

Who will you show it to?

If I will be not with you

You will be very restless

You will be very lonely

You still don't understand me

My unsaid words

But when you will remember

My remember will make you cry

You will still want a lot but

You will not be able to find us

If I will be not with you

You will miss a lot.



Thursday, December 3, 2020

I still loved you


I still loved you

I still love you

The sound of your footsteps

With your every smile

The fragrance of your words

By the magic of your eyes

From your charming outlays

From your killer torments

By stopping in your ways

By bending your eyelids

From your unwarranted complaint

From every habit of yours

I still loved you

I still love you

Even if I die

Your love in my heart

Live forever



Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Six Facts for successful Love

1.      He makes Sacrifices for You.

When he truly love with you he sacrificing everything for you.

If you notice him doing more than it is required by making some 

sacrifices for you, then he truly love you.

2.      He Supports You.

Another way to figure out if a guy love you or not is whether he 

supports you or not. It may not necessarily be financial support. It can be words of encouragement on a particular thing you are trying to achieve.

He may take it to himself to admonish you to try your best even when 

you feel like all hope is lost. If he does that, then he truly care for you.

3.      He protects you.

When a guy truly love a girl, he will always protect her. Let’s take 

for instance, when you do something wrong in the public, instead of 

following others to criticize you, he will stand by you. After everything, 

he will secretly tell you that what you did was wrong. It is a sign of true love.

4.   When a guy truly love you, he will not 

force you against your will.

 Fake Love is when your partner forces you to go against your will just 

to satisfy himself. But if he allows you to disagree with him and also do 

your will he loves you.

5.      He Respects You.

   True love works hand in hand with respect. You respect those you truly love. When a guy truly love a girl, he respects her. Be it her privacy       whatever. So if he truly love you, he will respect you and see you as an equal partner.

6.      Your happiness becomes his priority.

When a guy truly love you, your happiness becomes his concern. He avoids doing anything that will make you unhappy.

When you are not happy, he makes you happy. He may even decide to tell you some jokes just to change your sad mood.

In other words, if he truly love you, he will always be the source of your happiness.



Love Never Flops


Love never flops

We often cognize that

Which we love

We can leave him

But that doesn't happen

Love is eternal truth

The love become halt

Inside our dialogue

Within our caste

But it does not diminish

In case of any grief

Never in need

Never in grief from ignorance

Inside our eyes

Become flowing drips

Sometimes in the form of drops

The love become halt

It does not diminish at all

Love never fails



Saturday, February 22, 2020

Miss Me but Let Me Go

Miss Me but Let Me Go
When I come to the end of the day,
And the sun has set for me.
I want no rites in a gloom-filled room.
Why cry for a soul set free?
Miss me a little, but not too long,
And not with your hand bowed low.
Remember the love we once shared…
Miss me, but let me go.
For this is a journey we all must take,
And each must go alone.
It’s all part of the maker’s plan,
A step on the road to home.
When you are lonely and sick at heart
Go to the friends we know.
And bury your sorrows in doing good deeds
Miss me, but let me go

Monday, February 10, 2020

Signs of true love

Fundamentally, true love is an unwavering, Undreaming, incomparable and intense feeling of passion and devotion for a person.
It’s a connection that runs deeper than merely physical attraction, and instead comprehends an emotional and spiritual connection.
It’s feeling something so strongly for a person that life without them is practically unimaginable.
Certainly, you can't tell if what you’re experiencing is true love or just a feeling of
Lust or fascination with someone?  There are eight signs of true love.
1. You care your love unconditionally.
Through good times and bad, you and your love always come out on top, you trust each other and would do anything to make one another feel loved. When you find true love there are no conditions or strings attached you love him from his core, because you know that the he is something special for you.
2. You love him for who is he.
When you find true love, you have no tolerance to change that person you’re proud of who he is as a person and you never worry about introducing him to your friends or loved ones - in fact, you enjoy doing so because you realize what a prize you’ve found. You don’t compare him to others or wish he was more like so-and-so, you love him for who he is, quirks and all!
3. You’re not frightened to truly be you.
They say that true love will bring your walls down… not literally, obviously, but emotionally, mentally and even spiritually. This means that when you find true love you’ll be willing to share yourself fully and completely with your man.
You won’t worry about trying to impress or win him over, and you won’t have to think before you speak or act, of course this doesn’t mean you should just say whatever you want whenever you want, but rather that you’ll be able to simply be yourself without over-thinking your every word and move. Best of all, once you let him into your world you’ll have someone to share all your funny little thoughts and ideas with, your dreams and goals.
4. You stick to your word.
Not only do you mean what you say and prove you mean practically, but when you make a promise to your love to stick to your word.
Even if you know that he’ll never find out the truth, the idea of lying to him or betraying your love is ridiculous to you. Because your moral conscious is strong when it comes to him, to the point where the idea of letting him down means letting yourself down too, when you feel this way, well that’s true love.
5. You respect one another entirely.
When you find true love you’ll have a relationship where you respect each other the utmost.
Now, this doesn’t mean that you’ll agree on every single thing, but rather that when you don’t see eye to eye, you’ll do so in a mature and gracious manner. You care about each other too much to do that, instead, you’ll learn how to argue in a way that is constructive and kind, after all, you will never want to be the reason your lover is distressed.
6. Your gladness feeds off one another.
This doesn’t mean that you depend on each other to be happy, but rather that seeing your loved one makes you happy too, be careful with this one, so many people confuse the two, being able to embrace your loved one’s happiness and make it your own is a very special sign that you’ve found true love. Because it means that their happiness and well-being is just as important to you as your own.
So if you’re feeding off one another’s happiness then that’s a sure sign you’ve found something amazing.
7. You’re willing to make sacrifices for each other.
Now, this doesn’t mean that you should trade in all your dreams for his, but rather if you’re willing to make small sacrifices for one another, then that’s true love.
Maybe this means buying a something special gifts because your love like it, or perhaps it means hanging out with his friend who you don’t particularly like... but you do so because you know it’s important to your lover.
It’s these little sacrifices that make a difference when it comes to love and relationships.
If you’re willing to do things for one another that you wouldn’t normally do, that’s a sign that you’ve found true love.
8. You’re a dream team.
·         You know you can depend on each other to be the person who cheers you up, loves you unconditionally and is your best friend.
·         You trust one another completely and can say absolutely anything about him, knowing that it’s free of judgment.
·         You’re patient and kind, loving and forgiving.

When you find true love you’ll not only think for yourself, but for your partner too, your future plans will involve one another and you’ll consider each other’s wants and needs as well as your own.
That’s what true love is all about, so once you find it, hold onto it and embrace it, it’s rarer than most of us tend to realize.
Well there you have it, eight signs of true love.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

what love is ?

Do you know what love is?

When you fall in love with someone and they take you out of their life, and you accept to him in spite of the agony of your heart, When he ignores you without fault, and you are patient with him, And your thoughts are still not against him, When you try to say something against every such thing, your tongue stops And if you want to write something against him, your hands will be unable to do it. And when anyone says something against it, you are offended and you fight him, never let anyone interfere with the sanctity of your love, and I Love too….  What happened if disloyal does not take love responsibilities? I can't leave my love because there are some necessities of love, and Love demands sacrifice Of the Spirit ever lived and ever wished….