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Tuesday, January 1, 2019


Its common reality of human being is that, he wants to be loved by someone
Internal desire of men and women is that to be loved with heart, and take respect from others. All human have some good and bad Habits, which can be expressed with their behavior and attitude.

1. Pain makes you stronger
Tear make you braver and
Heart break make you wiser.

2. I believe that everything happens
For a reason. People change so that
You can learn to let go, things go wrong
So that you appreciate them when they’re right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.

Ø    Some times when heartbroken our behavior changed suddenly.

3. I don’t hate you for lying and cheating.
I hate you for messing up my heart.
Cause I will never let anyone else in
I will never trust anyone completely
I will never give anyone my heart anymore
All because you left me completely
And worst part is, I knew you would but
Still I let you.
Because I rather had my heart broken by you, than not having you at all.
So I hate you, but can’t even blame you.

4. I just wanted to talk to him one last time, to hear his voice and hear the way
He said “hello” as he picked up the phone.
I wanted to hear him say he “loved me” and that these last few months have been hard for me to even try for forget him.
I wanted him to say that he “missed me”
I wanted him to say that he “come back” because I wished for.
I was fucking ridiculous for feelings
This way, yet I just couldn’t seem to let him go. I wanted to call him, I wanted to talk to him last time. Only one last time.

 5. There’s so much more to life than wishing you’d come back to me.
I wasted too much time already, overthinking and blaming myself for your mistakes. So I’m letting all the laughs we shared, the memories we built, the way you kissed me, slip away.
It’s time to move on with my life, the same way you did with yours.

6. You are still my favorite chapter of my life book that I keep on re-reading
Every night and my eyes going to be red
With tears and my heart hurts from the memories of your last seen when you left me.

7. If you love someone tell them immediately, because hearts are often broken by words left unspoken.

8. I’m sorry he broke my heart.
I’m sorry you didn’t see the jerk in him.
I’m sorry you made him seem better than he really was.
I’m sorry he moved on so quickly.
I’m sorry he avoids you.
I’m sorry you cry most night.
I’m sorry you feel worthless, use and sad.
I’m sorry you feel in love with someone
Not worth this pain.
I’m sorry he left me alone.
I’m sorry you can’t help but wake up in the middle of the night and think of all the memories.
Believe me, I’m sorry you have to go through this. But don’t turn bitter from it, or you’ll start pushing away the one boy that’ll come and try and save you.

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